
Showing posts from April, 2017

You can't kill Michael Malloy

I’ve heard of Michael Malloy for the first time in a song by Primus . It’s an instrumental only 25 seconds long off their first album, Frizzle Fry . Some time passed until my best man got interested in the meaning behind the strange title – You can’t kill Michael Malloy . We came across a very interesting story that indeed happened in New York during the Great Depression in the US in the 1930s. The story centered on an Irish immigrant, an ex-fire fighter who at the time was a homeless alcoholic and a regular in a speakeasy. Speakeasies were very popular, as they were makeshift establishments for selling alcohol.  One such place was run by a Tony Marino. The Tony Marino gang was later dubbed the Insurance mob; if you follow the link you can find the complete story. I think it’s worthy of your attention. I was fascinated by the event, but absolutely disgusted by the depth of the dark side of humanity. For a long time I’d been toying with the idea of turning this story into some sort of

30/30 for YAC '17

...and again :) my small drawings for this years YAC event...

Amejzing storis (Amazing stories)

Priča o Amoru/Kupidonu i Faunu prvenstveno... Sama radnja stripa je podredjena glavnim likovima, i  njihovim karakterima, ponašanjima i odnosu prema drugima. Kroz njihove likove obradjene su male svakodnevne osobe i interesovanja, problemi, razmišljanja... Uživajte :)  Fanzin u papirnom izdanju se pojavio Decembra 2016.

30/30 for YAC '16

Septembra 2016 sam se prihvatio učešća u akciji 30/30 koju je inicirao Youth Art Collective, Monterey CA. Umetnički centar namenjen edukaciji mladih koji uspešno vode Meg Biddle i Marcia Perry. Sam naziv akcije kaže 30 crteža za 30 dana (za svaki dana po jedan). Ovde su neke od njih a odlika im je prvenstveno brza izrada. Ovakve akcije su odlične za radnu naviku /naročito za lenjivca kao što sam ja :)