Love triangle 2 ...medjutim, Pera se pojavio odnekud. Nije bio iz ovih krajeva ali je zudeo za cigaretom. Prsti su mu bili spremni a pozuda za nikotinom je izgarala u najdubljim porama njegovog tela. Nije ga uopste interesovala okolina niti je pokazivao sklonost ka zenama. Sta sad...? Zvao se isto kao i Pera samo sto je on bio musko a ona zensko... ...................................................................................... ...however Dick came from nowhere. He wasn't from this region but he longed for a cigarette. His fingers were ready and a desire for nicotine burned in deepest ends of his body. He wasn’t interested in the surroundings or in women. What now...? He had the same name as Dick but he was male and she (Dick) was female.
I’ve always been fascinated by the iconography of old circuses. From costumes & scenography, over the layout of posters & other promo materials, to program offered. Though the first association to a circus is fun, somehow I’ve gathered that behind the curtains there’s a lot of sadness & unrealized dreams. The life on the move, a constant financial insecurity and not fitting in in a “normal life”. This omage is my way of paying respect to all circus souls. And I found the inspiration quite by chance in Benjamin E Wallace. My (and our) Great Wallace a.k.a. Circus is after all, just a figment of imagination to cheer you up. Here is the first episode of Circus’ adventures
Ovo je ljubavna prica o Miki, Peri i Lazi. Mika je bio pravi starinski predratni oficir covek od ugleda i casti. Pera je bila najlepsa devojka u selu i imala je dosta otvorena shvatanja. Laza je bio pravi regionalni frajer poznat cak i udaljenijim selima. Vredna roba u zenskim krugovima. Sta ce s njima biti dalje saznajte u sledecoj epizodi. Ili napisite sledece epizodu... ............................................................................................... This is a story about Tom, Dick and Harry . Tom was an old- fashioned officer, a man of faith and honor. Dick was the most beautiful girl in the village, and she was rather open-minded. Harry was a really regional thug known in the whole region and distant villages. Valuable stuff for all girls. You can find out what will happen to them in the next episode, or you might write the next episode yourselves…