Visoko 2

Love triangle 2
...medjutim, Pera se pojavio odnekud. Nije bio iz ovih krajeva ali je
zudeo za cigaretom. Prsti su mu
bili spremni a pozuda za nikotinom
je izgarala u
najdubljim porama njegovog tela. Nije ga uopste interesovala
okolina niti je pokazivao sklonost ka
zenama. Sta sad...? Zvao se isto
kao i Pera samo
sto je on bio musko a ona zensko...


...however Dick came from nowhere. He wasn't from this region but he
longed for a cigarette. His fingers were ready and a desire for nicotine
burned in deepest ends of his body. He wasn’t interested in the
surroundings or in women. What now...? He had the same name as Dick
but he was male and she (Dick) was female.


Bogme, ovaj zaplet obecava!
Nemoj sad da cekamo dve nedelje za novu epizodu :-)

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